• Description: DC Series flanged eccentric butterfly valve incorporates a positive retained resilient disc seal and either an integral body seat. Клапанда үч уникалдуу атрибут бар: аз салмак, күч жана төмөнкү момент бар. Characteristic: 1. Eccentric action reduces torque and seat contact during operation extending valve life 2. Suitable for on/off and modulating service. 3. Көлөмгө жана зыяндын ордун толтурууга тийиш, орунду оңдоп, оңдоп, айрым учурларда

  • UD сериялуу жеңдүү бабочка клапан

    UD сериялуу жеңдүү бабочка клапан

    UD Series soft sleeve seated butterfly valve is Wafer pattern with flanges ,the face to face is EN558-1 20 series as wafer type. Мүнөздөмөлөрү: 1. Орнотуу учурунда стандарттуу, оңдоп-түзөө үчүн фланецке туура келет. 2.Through-out bolt or one-side bolt used. Оңой алмаштырылуу жана тейлөө. 3.The soft sleeve seat can isolate the body from media. Продукт операциясынын көрсөтмөсү 1 suggest using weld...

  • YD Series Wafer Butterfly Valve

    YD Series Wafer Butterfly Valve

    Description: YD Series Wafer butterfly valve 's flange connection is universal standard,and the material of handle is aluminium;It can be used as a device to cut-off or regulate the flow in various medium pipes. Through selecting different materials of disc and seal seat, as well as the pinless connection between disc and stem,the valve can be applied to worse conditions, such as desulphurization vacuum, sea water desalinization. Мүнөздүү: 1

  • Description: MD Series Lug type butterfly valve allows downstream pipelines and equipments online repair, and it can be installed on pipe ends as exhaust valve. Alignment features of lugged body allows easy installation between pipeline flanges. a real installationi cost saving, can be installed in the pipe end. СЫЙЛЫКТАРЫ: 1 It can be mounted wherever needed. 2 жөнөкөй, чакан түзүм, тез 90 градус 90 даражасы 3. Disc H ...

  • EZ Series

    EZ Series

    Description: EZ Series Resilient seated NRS gate valve is a wedge gate valve and Non-rising stem type, and suitable for use with water and neutral liquids (sewage). Characteristic: -On-line replacement of top seal: Easy installation and maintenance. -Integral Rubber-Class Disc: Ductile темир алкагындагы жумуш - бул жогорку көрсөткүчтүн резина менен ажырагыс менен жарылган. Ensuring tight seal and rust prevention. -Кызган жез жаңгагы: Атайын кастинг процесси аркылуу. the brass stem nut is integrated...

  • Flaned Backflow алдын алуу

    Flaned Backflow алдын алуу

  • Tws Flaned Static Balancing Valve

    Tws Flaned Static Balancing Valve

    Description: TWS Flanged Static balancing valve is a key hydraulic balance product used for precise flow regulating of water pipelines system in HVAC application to ensure static hydraulic balance across whole water system. The series can ensure the actual flow of each terminal equipment and pipeline in line with the design flow in the phase of system initial commisiioning by site commissiong with flow measuring computer. Серия негизги түтүктөр, филиалдын түтүктөрү жана терминал экубинде кеңири колдонулат ...

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бези газды дезульфрабаштыруу жана башка ушул сыяктуу жумушчу шарттарда кеңири колдонулат. Safe and reliable materials selected according to the working conditions to meet customer needs.

Биз жөнүндө

Кыскача баяндама:

Tianjin Tanggu Water-Seal Valve Co., Ltd.(TWS Valve) found in 1997,and is a professional manufacturer which intergrates design , development,production,installation,sales and service,we have 2 plants ,one in Xiaozhan Town, Jinnan , Tianjin ,other in Gegu Town, Jinnan ,Tianjin.Now we have become one of China's leading suppliers of water management valve products and product Solutys.Furthermore, биз өз күчтүү бренддерибизди "Tws" курчубуз.